

For many women, body image is tied to their breasts. If you feel your breasts are out of proportion with the rest of your figure; if you feel your breasts are not symmetrical; if you feel you’ve lost volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding; or if you’d simply like to have larger breasts and a shapelier figure — breast augmentation could be a great procedure for you.

Dr. Mehan and Dr. Johnson at Dominion Plastic Surgery in Falls Chuch, VA have extensive experience with breast augmentation surgery, and they will help you make the various decisions necessary in the process, ensuring you’ll be thrilled with your new figure. If you are a patient in Fairfax VAWashington DC and surrounding areas, call Dominion Plastic Surgery to schedule a breast augmentation consultation today.

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What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation every year is one of the top two or three cosmetic surgeries in the United States. It involves inserting silicone implants filled with either silicone gel or saline solution into pockets created during surgery behind the breasts. Breast augmentation can increase size, projection, and overall volume.



This is really a question of how you see your figure and if that affects your self-confidence: this isn’t simply a case of having larger breasts. If you’ve never been satisfied with the size or shape of your breasts, you’re constantly reminded every time you try on clothes or even when you get out of the shower in the morning. Breast augmentation can change all of that, and it can give you more self-confidence. When buying a new bathing suit or dressing for a dinner party, having larger breasts or a shapelier figure can change the way you see yourself, and that can give you a big boost in self-confidence. Year in and year out, studies show that satisfaction after having breast augmentation is among the highest of any cosmetic procedure.


The decision to have breast augmentation is a completely personal one. If you’ve never felt your breasts were proportional with your overall figure, breast augmentation can change that. Asymmetrical breasts can be made symmetrical and larger, should you choose. Or maybe you’d just like to have larger breasts.

If you feel you have serious sagging, either from pregnancy and breastfeeding or from gain and loss of a good deal of weight, you should consider having a breast lift with breast augmentation. This will remove excess, sagging skin prior to adding implants.

One thing about your decision to have breast augmentation — it has to be for you and you alone. The decision to undergo breast augmentation should not be made for a spouse, partner, or anyone else. This needs to be something you want…for you.

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What Are The Different Types Of Breast Implants Used In Breast Augmentation Surgery?

There are three common types of breast implants that are used in breast augmentation surgery:

Silicone Gel

Silicone gel breast implants consist of a silicone outer shell filled with medical-grade silicone gel. Compared with earlier silicone, today’s gel is more “cohesive,” meaning it stays together and within the shell more if the implant develops a leak. Silicone gel was formerly more liquid in nature; today’s gels are more like gelatin.

The consensus is that silicone breast implants feel more like natural breast tissue when compared with saline breast implants. An obvious disadvantage is if the implant ruptures. This can allow some of the silicone gel to leak into the breast pocket that was created to hold the implant. When this happens, the patient doesn’t usually know, as the implant retains its shape. The leak will show up on the regular mammograms necessary with silicone breast implants. The ruptured implant and any leaked gel will need to be removed and the implant replaced.



Saline breast implants consist of a silicone outer shell filled with sterile saline solution. Unlike silicone breast implants, which are filled at the factory, saline breast implants are placed into the breast pocket empty and are then filled in place. This allows these breast implants to be placed through smaller incisions. It also allows some flexibility with size.

If a saline implant ruptures, the body simply absorbs the salt water. But when this happens the implant will fully deflate, leaving the patient with one flattened breast. And, while the saline will be absorbed, the ruptured shell will still need to be surgically removed and replaced.

Gummy Bear Implants

Although technically silicone, gummy bear breast implants are different and deserve their own description. Gummy bear breast implants are made with “highly cohesive” silicone gel — think of the consistency of a gummy bear. This gel is much thicker than the gel used in other silicone implants. If a gummy bear implant is cut in half, the gel will remain within the shell and not leak out.

Gummy bear breast implants are also created in a teardrop shape, which is closer to the shape of the natural breast.

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When you opt for breast augmentation, beyond the implant type, you’ll also make many other decisions. One of these will be how you want the breast implants placed, meaning where will the incisions be made. Dr. Mehan and Dr. Johnson will discuss your options with you and help you make your choice, along with the other decisions, at your breast augmentation consultation. At Dominion Plastic Surgery, we place breast implants through three incision locations: periareolar, inframammary, or transaxillary. Here’s more information on each.

  • Periareolar Incisions — As the name suggests, these incisions are made just outside the dark skin of the areola on the lower side. These incisions become almost invisible after healing. The implants can be placed above or below the pectoral muscle. Placing it below the muscle can limit the possibility of infection and lower the risk of capsular contracture. This incision type can limit the size of silicone implants.

  • Inframammary Crease Incisions — This incision is made just above the crease on the underside of the breast. While this placement allows the scar to be hidden beneath a bra or bikini top, this incision type still creates the largest scar. In most cases, implants placed through this incision are placed atop the pectoral muscle; placement beneath the muscle dictates cutting the muscle. This incision can handle any size of implant.

  • Transaxillary Incisions — These are made with a vertical incision in the armpit. Your Dominion surgeon may use an endoscope for better viewing of the breast pocket with this incision. This incision leaves no scarring on the breasts, and the line in the armpit will become virtually invisible with time. Implants can easily be placed behind the chest muscle without any cutting. Plus, nipple sensation and later breastfeeding is unaffected by placement through transaxillary incisions. Recovery can be a little harder with this incision.


It surprises some patients that breast implants are not sized like bras. Instead, they are sized by the amount of material filling the implant shell, in cubic centimeters. The most popular size for implants is between 350 and 400 ccs, equating basically from a small to large C cup in bra size. At Dominion Plastic Surgery, we have various tools to help you visualize how different implant sizes will look on your unique figure.


Breast Augmentation FAQs


How Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Done?

Breast augmentation is not a difficult procedure. Breast augmentation is performed as outpatient surgery with the patient under general anesthesia. The surgery takes from 45 minutes to one hour. Your Dominion surgeon will generally make a one-inch incision for placement of saline breast implants, and a 1.5-2-inch incision for silicone implants. This difference is because saline implants are filled after placement, while silicone implants are placed already filled.After the incisions are made, a pocket is created behind each breast that will hold the implant. Then the implants are inserted. We check for symmetry and position and then close the incisions with tiny sutures to minimize scarring.

Dr. Mehan and Dr. Johnson have extensive experience with various breast augmentation incision locations. They take meticulous care to avoid injury the nipple (to not affect sensation) or the milk ducts (to not impact breastfeeding).

What Will My Recovery After Breast Augmentation Surgery Be Like?

Breast augmentation with Dr. Mehan or Dr. Johnson does not involve a difficult recovery. You’ll return home just a couple hours after your breast augmentation surgery. Your breasts will be bandaged and you will be wearing a surgical bra for support. You’ll need pain medication for 2-4 days, but the pain isn’t hard to manage. After one day, you’ll return to our offices and we’ll remove the bandages and check to be sure your healing looks to be going smoothly. At this point, we’ll show you how to massage your breasts to relax the muscles and help the implants settle into their breast pockets. This type of postoperative massage has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of capsular contracture (where scar tissue contracts and hardens around the implant) and decrease discomfort.Most patients can return to work approximately 3-5 days after breast augmentation surgery. Your sutures will be removed after one week. You’ll wear a support bra 24 hours a day for one month after your surgery so as not to place any stress on your incisions. This is very important. Normal activities can resume in 1-2 weeks, but any impact exercise will need to wait for one month. Upper body exercise, such as lifting weights, will need to wait for six weeks.

What Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

Your breast augmentation price can vary depending on your choice of implant, whether you seek to combine breast augmentation with a breast lift, and a couple other variables. Once we ascertain your goals during your breast augmentation consultation, we can provide you with a precise cost estimate.

Can A Breast Lift Include Breast Augmentation?

If you have serious sagging in your breasts, either from pregnancy and breastfeeding or from weight gain and loss, you should consider including a breast lift with your breast augmentation. The breast lift removes excess sagging skin before the implants are placed. Once the incisions are made for the breast lift, adding implants does not require additional incisions, either.

When Can I Return To My Normal Activities After My Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Patients can return to most of their normal activities in a week to two weeks after breast augmentation surgery. The important thing is to avoid impact. That’s because if the breasts move this places stress on your incisions and this can affect scarring. That’s why patients need to be incredibly diligent about first wearing their surgical support bra, and then transitioning to a regular support bra for 24 hours every day for at least one month after breast augmentation surgery. Along that line, any exercise that involves impact should be postponed for at least one month. Upper body exercises, such as weight lifting or lifting for work, need to wait for six weeks.

What Are The Risks Involved With Breast Augmentation?

Beyond the general risks associated with any surgery, there are some risks specific to breast augmentation. These include:

  • Capsular contracture

  • Implant leakage or rupture

  • Implant shifting

  • Changes in nipple sensation

  • Impaired ability to breastfeed

  • Breast asymmetry

  • Visible rippling of the implant

At Dominion Plastic Surgery, we like our patients to be fully informed about all of our procedures. We will discuss these possible risks at length during your breast augmentation consultation.

Breast Implants FAQs


How Will I Choose The Implant Profile?

Implants also have what is known as a “profile.” This basically dictates how much the implants project. Higher profile implants hold more of the mass of the implant higher on the chest, and they have smaller bases. Dr. Mehan and Dr. Johnson will help you make sense of your choices here.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Breast implants have a lifespan, so patients need to plan on replacing their implants at least once or twice during their life. Manufacturers warranty their implants for 10 years, and they reimburse patients who need to have them replaced before that time. Otherwise, implant lifespans can vary widely. Durability is increasing, but it’s still a good idea to plan for replacing your implants every 10 years or so. Replacement is much easier surgery, as the new implants can be placed through the same incisions as were used for the original breast augmentation surgery.

